a Citizens nonprofit group located in Southern Minnesota
DCCC Letter to Becker County - September 5, 2022
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At Ground Zero of Minnesota's Ground Water Crisis!
Did you know that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency ("MPCA") estimates there are over 18,000 registered feedlots in operation in the State? Yet, "Big Ag" is pressing for more and bigger feedlots. The MPCA estimates that the amount of manure generated by livestock in Minnesota is equivalent to a human population of 50 million people. That's untreated, liquid animal manure chock full of antibiotics, nitrogen, phosphorus, E. coli bacteria and other contaminants that threaten our surface water and ground water. Statewide, the Department of Natural Resources ("DNR") reports that groundwater use has increased 35% over the last 25 years - about 3 billion gallons per year on average. A single feedlot with 2,400 finishing hogs will draw an estimated 3.5 million gallons of water per year. No wonder our precious groundwater is being depleted!
Is Cancer Cluster in Dodge County related to High Nitrates?
MINNPOST September 15, 2023
August 2023 Newsletter
Dodge County Concerned Citizens Brochure
Did High Nitrates Cause Cancer Cluster along Dodge County Road B?
Star-Tribune Article September 23, 2023
America's CANCER Road - Dodge County Road B?
LONDON Daily Mail September 26, 2023