Dodge County Concerned Citizens

P.O. Box 757

Blooming Prairie, MN 55917

Telephone:  (507) 583-7718



Swine Trend in Dodge County

                                    1997             2002              2007              2012             2017 

USDA Number          59,487        105,366        162,605         162,492        169,168   Avg/Site                      2,586            4,215            5,081             5,078            5,359

(Average for Large Facilities Only)       

One swine barn with 2,400 feeder pigs generates as much manure as a town with 7,000 people.  Dodge County has a human population of approximately 21,000 or the manure equivalent of swine barns holding about 7,200 feeder pigs.

Swine held in Confined Animal Feeding Operations ("CAFOs") are owned by corporations and not by the local operator.  These corporations get most of the profits and we have to deal with all the manure.

Check out your county's livestock numbers

on the link below:
